Join thousands of librarians on August 8 for the eighth annual SLJTeen Live! virtual conference without leaving the comfort of your home (or reference desk).

This free, daylong event will feature high-profile and up-and-coming YA authors talking about their latest titles for teens. You’ll also have the chance to get advice from innovative librarians tackling timely issues relevant to your teens and services.

This year’s theme is Knocking Down Doors. YA books provide readers with mirrors and windows, and teens, librarians, and authors are also pushing past established structures to forge a new path. As the fight continues for diverse representation in books and safety in social spaces, teens protest for climate change legislation and deal with increased mental health concerns. Just as publishers and creators must rethink how stories are told, on and off the page, youth service librarians must consider their role in their communities, in and outside the library walls. Engaging author panels and library programming sessions will give you tools and ideas on how to continue the work of engaging with teens as they enter into an increasingly challenging world. As YA protagonists know, even if the gates don’t open, we must find a way in.

The environment opens at 9:00 AM ET, and the webcast sessions begin at 10:00 AM ET. Come early to explore the virtual exhibit hall, download materials, enter contests, hear directly from publishers about their newest books, and live chat with staff, authors, and peers!


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