March is Women’s History Month, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s BadgerLink Online Library has a variety of resources to learn, commemorate, and celebrate the impact women have had in American history. Additionally, the Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum joined together to provide various resources. This includes resources specifically for educators available here, events throughout the month, and much more. Visit for more information.


The seldom-told story of how Indigenous women influenced America’s early suffragists in their fight for freedom and equality. The film follows Mohawk Bear Clan Mother Louise Herne and Professor Sally Roesch Wagner as they seek to correct the historical narrative about the origins of women’s rights in the United States.

Continuing Education:

Part 2: Wednesday, March 30, 9am-11am


Diverse Holidays in March:

March is National Women’s History Month, celebrating the contributions and achievements women have made to American history. It’s also Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

March 16-17: Purim, a Jewish holiday marking when the Jewish community in Persia was saved from genocide, celbrated by giving charity and feasting.

March 17: St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday celebrating the patron saint of Ireland.

March 18: Holi, a Hindu and sikh spring festival celebrating spring and new beginnings with bonfires, bright colors, and feasting.

March 20: Ostara, a holiday celebrating the spring equinox observed by Pagans and Wiccans.

March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, declared by the United Nations in 1966 to honor the killing of 69 people at a demonstration against South African apartheid.

March 24: All Women’s Equal Pay Day

March 25: International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, declared by the United Nation in 2008 to honor and remember slaves who died.

March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility

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