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Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries: Action Guide 2.0
The Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries has released an enhanced version of the Action Guide – Version 2.0 in response to feedback from our survey of all individuals who downloaded the Action Guide for Re-Envisioning Your Public Library. Since its...

Read Aloud 15 MINUTES: Every child. Every parent. Every day.
Every child. Every parent. Every day. Forty-six percent of parents with children ages 0-5 read aloud to them fewer than five days a week. Eight percent read aloud less than once a week. The Read Aloud 15 MINUTES National Campaign seeks to change those figures, and...

WPLC Year in Review: OverDrive, Statistics, Digitization, and Goals for 2018
The Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC) has published the WPLC Year in Review 2016-2017 highlighting decisions made and work done in by WPLC from June 2016 through May 2017. OverDrive, Statistics, Digitization, Goals for 2018 and more. Did you know? (more...

Updated Database Spotlight: LearningExpress Library
Have you checked out the LearningExpress Library lately? Browse the WVLS flyer for Library Users or for Library Staff. LLE includes learning centers dedicated to: career exploration and preparation, college prep, high school equivalency, adult learning, and resources...

IMLS Accepting Applications for National Leadership and Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services announced the guidelines for the first round of 2018 National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG) and Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21). Apply now! The NLG program invests in projects that address...

Webinar: Developing Inclusive Library Services to Teens with Disabilities
Please consider registering for "Developing Inclusive Library Services to Teens with Disabilities," a free webinar from Minitex on September 20th, 2017 at 10am. Register Minitex is an Information and Resource Sharing Program of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education...

Introducing Book Club Central from ALA
Book Club Central—a new ALA initiative for book clubs and their readers—has officially launched and is ready to share with libraries and patrons! Book Club Central is an online one-stop-shop for book clubs, featuring everything from author interviews to book...

Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Motorists’ Handbook is available online and in OverDrive!
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Motorists' Handbook is available online as an eBook in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats, which can be read on a desktop computer or handheld device. The handbook is also available...

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Sounds off on TSA try-out of new book screening rules
American Libraries reported on July 7 that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has called a halt to its “pilot test” requiring passengers to remove books and other paper items from their carry-on luggage during security screening. Where the AL story link...

New BadgerLink Webpage Layout: August
The BadgerLink Team is happy to announce that in the beginning of August we'll be updating the layout of our homepage. The purpose of our website is to get you to our fabulous resources. So we moved some content around to put a spotlight on what we have to offer. We...

Announcing the 2017 Youth Services Institute Cohort
Announcing the 2017 Youth Services Institute Cohort WI Libraries For Everyone Blog, Posted: 13 Jun 2017 09:32 AM PDT Tuesday, May 30, 2017 The Wisconsin Youth Services Development Institute provides professional development and networking for Wisconsin public library...

Multi-Cultural Eclipse Stories Website Includes (FREE) Audio Recordings, Activities, Resource Guide and NASA links
Preparing for this summer's solar eclipse, and looking for ways to engage your visitors? Consider incorporating the free online multi-cultural eclipse stories, researched and recorded by professional storytellers Cassandra Wye and Fran Stallings at the request of the...

Always-Available Audiobook Collection Added to Wisconsin’s Digital Library
Always-Available Audiobook Collection Added to Wisconsin's Digital Library The WPLC is pleased to announce the addition of 25 always-available audiobook titles from Blackstone Audio in Wisconsin's Digital Library. These titles were purchased by the WPLC Selection...

Trustee Training Week and Resources for Trustees
Have you and your board members registered for the Wisconsin Trustee Training Week webinars yet? The annual hour-long webinar series is scheduled for August 21-25 at 12 noon each day. Unable to attend that week? Register for the sessions and receive recordings of the...

Reading lists for all age and interest groups: The Madison Public Library has your back.
Need reader's advisory or purchasing ideas? The Madison Public Library Insider blog publishes lists for all ages on a range of interests. Subscribe to a list that you need help with. I always struggled with graphic novels and manga, but there's a list for that! What...

Create Annual Report Brochures in LibPAS
Create annual report brochures for your library through LibPAS in less than two minutes. Customize the brochure to fit your library's needs: pictures, graphs, patron stories, project reports. The sky is the limit with what you can do! The Wisconsin Library and System...

Meet Libby: Webinar for the WPLC Community
OverDrive is providing the WPLC library community another opportunity to meet Libby, OverDrive's new app for Wisconsin's Digital Library in a webinar on Friday, July 14th at 10am. If you're unable to attend, the webinar will be recorded and shared to the WPLC blog and...

Superheros to the rescue: September is Library Card Sign-up Month
DC super heroes will help ALA promote Library Card sign-up month! September is coming! Is your library ready?! As honorary chairs of Library Card Sign-up Month, DC's Teen Titans will remind parents, caregivers and students that signing up for a library card is the...

It’s time for outcomes, not outputs in library services!
"Libraries are very good at counting outputs... it's more difficult to count outcomes," says Stacey Wedlake, research and communication coordinator for Impact Survey, one of several national projects developed over the past ten years to help public libraries jump that...

Library Programming for Millennials: Upcoming WVLS Webinar
A Pew Research Center survey from 2016 "finds that 53% of Millennials (those ages 18 to 35 at the time) say they used a library of bookmobile in the previous 12 months." Is your library providing programs and services for Millennials? Register for the October 4th...