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Audio Books ARE Real Books: How Audio Promotes Literacy

Audio Books ARE Real Books: How Audio Promotes Literacy has produced an amazing infographic "How Audio Promotes Literacy" and offers other resources for librarians and educators on the topics of sound learning and transmedia literacy. The Audio Publishers Association's interest in promoting the benefits of...

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Be Skeptical: The Wisconsin Senior Guide

Be Skeptical: The Wisconsin Senior Guide

Read the original SCLS Tech Bits blog post "Be Skeptical" by Kerri posted on June 8, 2017. There were some events in April and May (the Google Docs phishing emails, the Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons) that had me thinking a lot about privacy, phishing and how being...

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Wizarding World Book Club

Wizarding World Book Club

Read and discuss the Harry Potter stories with anyone, anywhere. The Wizarding World Book Club is available free to all registered users of Pottermore, the digital publishing, e-commerce, entertainment and news company from J.K. Rowling. Libraries could incorporate...

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Letting Go: Assist Patrons then Disengage

Letting Go: Assist Patrons then Disengage

Some patrons simply enjoy long conversations while others would like library staff to file their taxes. Service suffers when one patron monopolizes limited available public library staff. Learning how to disengage from patrons contributes to an increase in overall...

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What is the Difference Between NoveList and NoveList Plus?

What is the Difference Between NoveList and NoveList Plus?

Wondering what the difference is between NoveList and NoveList Plus? There are two: nonfiction and audiobooks. NoveList Plus includes both fiction and nonfiction titles, and now it also includes information about audiobooks. This chart illustrates the differences:...

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CBC Launches Reading Beyond Book List

CBC Launches Reading Beyond Book List

The Children’s Book Council has announced the inaugural Reading Beyond book list, an annotated bibliography for parents, caregivers, teachers, librarians, and others seeking book recommendations for children who read at an advanced level. The list will be updated...

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What is your BadgerLink Story?

What is your BadgerLink Story?

Elizabeth Neuman, from Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning and guest blogger for the June 7, 2017 WI Libraries for Everyone blog, featured BadgerLink stories from librarians and tutors showcasing what BadgerLink can do for Wisconsin communities....

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Tattoos and Baseball Caps: This is What a Librarian Looks Like

Tattoos and Baseball Caps: This is What a Librarian Looks Like

From Gucci to Prada, so-called librarian chic is huge in fashion. But a new book by Kyle Cassidy reads between the lines to challenge the stereotypes of librarian style – and look at the ways in which they are the champions of our communities. Thanks to The Guardian...

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Libby App from OverDrive Announced!

Libby App from OverDrive Announced!

SCLS TechBits Blog Posted: 30 May 2017 09:28 AM PDT by Jean Anderson OverDrive recently announced the launch of their new app for readers, Libby. Watch a webinar demonstration of the Libby app produced by OverDrive. If you're subscribed to the WPLC Announcements email...

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Save the Date: WVLS Cataloger’s Retreat August 10th

Save the Date: WVLS Cataloger’s Retreat August 10th

Calling all WVLS member library catalogers! Save the date for August 10th from 9:30am to 3pm. WVLS will host a workshop at the WVLS offices located within Marathon County Public Library-Wausau for all WVLS member library catalogers to meet each other and learn more...

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Last Call for WPLC User/Non-User Research Program- Call for Proposals

Last Call for WPLC User/Non-User Research Program- Call for Proposals

The deadline to submit your proposal is Friday, May 26th. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Coffin at or . Do you have questions about your community that you need answers to in order to expand or improve your...

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