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Jason Reynolds calls School Libraries ‘Places of Recognition for Young People’
Now Available! A downloadable video PSA from Jason on the impact of school libraries and librarians. School library month resources including four weeks of programming ideas and activities. “…school libraries for many, many students are places of refuge. The school...

STEAM Workshop Postponed to April 24
Ohhhh, you pesky Wisconsin weather. Due to inclement weather for Tuesday, April 3, the STEAM in Youth Services Workshop is postponed until Tuesday, April 24. The times and activities remain the same. We apologize for the inconvenience. Our top priority is keeping...

The Great American Read: Grant Opportunities from ALA & PBS
A grant opportunity for public libraries is now available from ALA and PBS. Applications are due by April 17, and up to 50 libraries will be selected. Apply now for a cash grant and resources to support library programming around "The Great American Read," the...

Merchandising Webinar on April 26
Show It Off: The Power of Merchandising (webinar) Thursday, April 26; 1 pm Presented by: Rebecca Budinger-Mulhearn, Director Avon Free Library; Avon, NY 1 CE Credit Looking to increase your library’s circulation and highlight your collection? Take your displays from...

Creative Aging Toolkit for Public Libraries
The Creative Aging Toolkit for Public Libraries is a free, online resource for librarians. It offers access to information about aging and libraries, creative aging research, and best practices in the field. The toolkit contains insights, tips, tools and templates to...

WLA & ARSL Conference Scholarships Available
WVLS just announced scholarship opportunities to attend a WLA-sponsored conference (WAPL or WLA) or the ARSL Conference. Both deadlines are in April. In 2018, the Wisconsin Valley Library Service will offer three scholarships for WVLS member library support staff, or...

National Library Week Coming Soon
Thank your partners, spread the good word about libraries, have fun and inclusive activities, and use your social media and local news resources. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association...

WLA Conference Call for Program Proposals
EXCITE. INVITE. IGNITE. Libraries promote growth, education, diversity, and community and campus engagement; continuously striving to better their communities and all those they serve. The 2018 WLA conference, Excite.Invite.Ignite., is an opportunity for us to share...

STEM/Maker and Diversity and Collection Development Workshop Opportunities Available
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will offer two distinct professional development opportunities for library staff working with school-age youth at Hotel Marshfield on Monday, May 7 and Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Wisconsin public library and public school...

Adult Programs: Be Feisty
I believe libraries should offer feisty, sassy, attention-grabbing programs for adults all year long. Not only is it the mission of Libraries to serve all ages, promote life-long learning and literacy, library program attendees and users become natural library...

Municipality Magazine Highlights Wisconsin Libraries
The February 2018 issue of The Municipality features Tweets full of library love from library users, articles describing how libraries are serving as community centers with specific examples, and testimonies from Wisconsin Library Association Executive Director Plumer...

Teen Talk: Teen Tech Week is March 4-10
Teen Tech Week is coming up. Let’s talk about how to get the word out and create interactive passive programs, and how to get the word out to teens. YALSA’s Teen Tech Week The Young Adult Library Services Association’s (YALSA) Teen Tech Week is when libraries make the...

#WisconsinLibrary: Our advocacy voices are louder when we sing together
WVLS and IFLS are partnering to share several tools with you this year based on the Libraries Transform campaign and toolkit for you to use right away or adapt to what you would like. Examples are: ready-made infographics, social media shares, table tent templates,...

American Library Association Announces 2018 Youth Media Award Winners
DENVER– The American Library Association (ALA) today announced the top books, video and audio books for children and young adults—including the Caldecott, Coretta Scott King, Newbery and Printz awards—at its Midwinter Meeting in Denver, Colorado. A list of all the...

Media Literacy Webinar in April
The Ins and Outs of Media Literacy Thursday, April 5; 1-2:30 pm Presented by: Lindsay Schmidt, Technology Librarian Jeff Rand, Adult Services Librarian La Crosse Public Library; La Crosse, WI 1.5 CE credits (this webinar will be recorded) Fake News. Fact Checking....

Free Webinars from the iSchool
A free webinar series courtesy of The Information School (iSchool) at UW-Madison begins later this month. Anyone can register for the webinars, and all speakers are Information School alumni. All webinars will take place on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. CST. For more...

Reporting on the Past and Shaping the Future
Stay tuned for resources on how to put your numbers to work.... infographics! video! fortune tellers! Public Library and System Annual Reports: a Must Do! It's that time of year. All public library directors should have received "invitation" messages delivered by...

Webinar on Marketing Library Programs
Marketing Library Programs for Increased Impact (webinar) Tues. Feb. 27; 1 pm Presented by: Sam Helmick, Public Service Librarian Burlington Public Library; Burlington, IA 1 CEU Increase your library’s impact by empowering patrons to contribute to the library...

Youth Media Awards and the Best of the Best
Mark your calendars for February 12th at 8 a.m. to watch the Youth Media Awards live as the Caldecott,Coretta Scott King, Newbery and other awards are presented for the best materials for youth from 2017. Each year the American Library Association honors books,...

Save the Date for WAPL
What does Renew mean to you? Resume (an activity) after a year’s review of all things learned at the last conference? Re-establish (a relationship) those connections made from the last conference? Repeat (an action or statement) proven ideas and share them with...