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Book Clubs: Your Community Connection a webinar from Novelist
Free Novelist webinar: "Book Clubs: Your Community Connection" Thurs. Oct. 26, 2017 Register here! Time: 1-2pm Central Time Thinking of starting a new book club at your library or revamping an existing group you inherited? Struggling with attendance or participation?...

Science Kits for Public Libraries Grant Announcement
Application Submission Deadline, November 15, 2017 August 24, 2017 - The IEEE Science Kits for Public Libraries Grant is offering up to $2,000 in funding to public libraries in the Michigan and Wisconsin area for the development of circulating math and science...

How libraries are connecting patrons to support, aid, resources: Rebuilding Communities after Disasters
Read the full article "Rebuilding Communities after Disasters" by Timothy Inklebarger from American Libraries on September 29, 2017. Find links recovery efforts and relief funds following the article. Libraries in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere are still...

Locating Magazines in Badgerlink: Yoga Journal, Money, even Highlights!
The BadgerLink team released two new training videos, Locating Magazines & Searching for Articles Parts 1 & 2. Read the original post from Wisconsin Libraries for Everyone published Thursday, October 5th, 2017. Learn the ins and outs of using our Popular...

Using Project Outcome to Improve & Support Library Programming
Free Webinar! Using Project Outcome Data to Improve & Support Library Programming Thursday, October 19, 2017 | 1:00 PMCentral PLA is partnering with the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office to present this webinar on the benefits of using...

The Wisconsin Library Association Announces 2017 Awards and Honors!
(Madison, Wis.) -- The Wisconsin Library Association is pleased to announce the 2017 library Award & Honor Winners, selected for their outstanding contributions to libraries and librarianship: Citation of Merit: Amy Glaser, River Falls Public Library Library of...

Teen Read Week – October 8-14 – UNLEASH YOUR STORY
Teen Read Week is a national literacy initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association. It's aimed at teens, their parents, librarians, educators, booksellers and other concerned adults. It began in...

National Friends of Libraries Week: Oct. 15-21
Celebrate your Friends of the Library group during National Friends of the Library Week set for October 15-21! Show how thankful you are for their passion and help as natural library advocates. United for Libraries will coordinate the 12th annual National Friends of...

Small Business Saturday: Shop Small November 25
Apply to be a Neighborhood Champion at Organize and host an event to help your neighborhood celebrate. It could be a kickoff breakfast, a welcome station, or a Shop Small® Passport event. Find more event inspiration at American...

Wisconsin Digital Archives: Link it to your website
Written by: Abby Swanton, Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning Make it easier for your users to get to the Wisconsin Digital Archives by placing a direct link to the collection on your library’s webpage. If you already have a link to the Wisconsin Digital...

12 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Libby
Original post from September 19, 2017 by Adam Sockel under Library, Promotional Ideas, Service News. Readers around the world have fallen in love with our new app Libby. The new interface, simple one-tap experience and all-in-one shelf have made finding your next...

OverDrive adding a History page the week of October 2nd: Keep track of what you read
Andrea Coffin, WiLS Community Liaison/Service Specialist. WPLC Announcement, September 20, 2017. Subscribe to the WPLC Announcements list to receive email updates. Hello! OverDrive is making updates that will add a History page to the Wisconsin's Digital Library site...

Today is Read an eBook Day!
September 18th is Ready an eBook Day! Read an eBook Day has arrived and we want libraries, schools and readers around the world to spread the #eBookLove! OverDrive will be giving away 12 Kobo Aura ONEs to readers, and content credit to participating libraries and...

Banned Books Week 2017
“Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.” — Alfred Whitney Griswold, Essays on Education Banned Books Week:...

October is Health Literacy Month: Use ALA’s free toolkit!
ALA Member News Tue, 09/12/2017 CHICAGO – The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) and the American Library Association (ALA) have partnered through the Libraries Transform public awareness campaign to create a free toolkit for Health Literacy Month, which...

WVLS Youth Services Workshop: Save the date for Dec 12th!
Wisconsin Valley Library Service presents: Annual Youth Services Workshop Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Wausau Community Room, Marathon Co. Public Library 300 1st Street, Wausau 54403 / Map & parking directions School and public youth librarians from all Wisconsin...

WiLSWorld Shorts Webinar: Information Literacy Misconception Study and Survey Findings
WiLS is excited to announce the next WiLSWorld Short, quarterly, free webinars to continue the learning that happens at WiLSWorld all year long! These webinars are designed to do all the same things as WiLSWorld – connect our member community around important issues,...

Communicating With Baby: Tips and Milestones From Birth to Age 5
Read Aloud 15 MINUTES and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) have collaborated on Communicating With Baby: Tips and Milestones From Birth to Age 5. The seven new age-appropriate parent handouts developed over the past several months in collaboration...

Tally Week! Schedule a “Typical Week” to tally statistics in October
Have you scheduled your library's annual survey week this October to collect data for the annual report? The annual report requires an annual count of reference transactions and all public computer uses. If your library does not keep an annual count of reference...

We Read Banned Books: BBW is September 24-30
American Library Association: Banned Books Week 2017: Sept. 24 - Sept. 30 Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Banned...