WVLS just announced scholarship opportunities to attend a WLA-sponsored conference (WAPL or WLA) or the ARSL Conference. Both deadlines are in April.

In 2018, the Wisconsin Valley Library Service will offer three scholarships for WVLS member library support staff, or (first-time library directors as of July 1, 2016) to attend a Wisconsin Library Association-sponsored conference to enhance professional development. Applicants can choose to attend the Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries (WAPL) Conference in May, or the WLA Conference in October. Within three months of the conference, scholarship winners will be expected to conduct a 30-minute web presentation on what they learned and how this can be applied to their library role. The post-conference assignment is intended to reinforce/develop the scholarship winner’s technology and presentation skills. Scholarhship winners will also be awarded a one-year membership to WLA.

For more information and to apply, please see the Scholarships and Grants page on the WVLS website. 
The application deadline for this scholarship is Tuesday, April 5, 2018. 


In 2018, the Wisconsin Valley Library Service will offer three scholarships for directors or branch managers of a member public library to attend the Association of Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference.  The conference will be held in Springfield, Illinois from September 13-15. This is an annual conference and scholarship opportunity.

The ARSL conference is specifically targeted for rural library staff. Previous conference topics have included building community advocacy; effective trustee recruitment; inexpensive programming ideas; innovative web services with few resources; virtual networking; and many more.

For more information and to apply, please see the Scholarships and Grants page on the WVLS website.
The application deadline for this scholarship is Friday, April 13, 2018.

Questions about both scholarships can be directed to Jamie Matczak at .

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