Register now for Library Legislative Day, scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at the Madison Concourse Hotel.
There are three ways to register:
- Register online
- Use the PDF registration form to mail or fax your reservation to the WLA Office at 608-245-3646.
- Scan and attach the completed form to an email to Brigitte Rupp Vacha @ ruppvacha@wisconsinlib .
NOTE: If you have not previously registered for a WLA event online, you will be asked to create a new user profile to enable payment.
The Registration DEADLINE is Monday, January 28.
COST: $25 per person.
COST IF YOU DON’T ATTEND: Lonely legislators remain unaware of how state funding for library services impacts the lives of their constituents. A limited number of WVLS scholarships may be available to first time staff attendees from member libraries. Please inquire if applicable.
Information about hotel reservations can be found on the WLA Website.

2018 Library Legislative Day. L to R – Heidi O’Hare, Laurie Ollhoff, Mike Otten, Kris Adams Wendt, Virginia Roberts, Rep. Mary Felzkowski (WLA Legislator of the Year), Dominic Frandrup, Susan Lammert, April Lammert.
To make reservations, call 800.356.8293 and reference the WLA 2018 Library Legislative Day room block. All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card. Room Rate for Single and Double Premier Rooms: $165.00 plus applicable state and local taxes (currently at 15.5%)
Cancellation Policy: All reservations cancelled after 4:00 p.m. CST 24 hours prior to arrival and all “no shows” will be charged on night room and tax.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Sunday, January 13
WVLS will make every effort to coordinate transportation from Wausau depending upon response and logistics. Due to the early start to the day’s
activities, coordinated transportation (like a bus) will likely depart mid to late morning on Monday, February 11, necessitating an overnight.
Program details are being finalized. As always, the appointments will be scheduled for attendees by the Legislative Day Committee.
We need your voice! We need your stories! Briefing materials on the WLA agenda for the 2019-2021 biennial budget will be provided. Our collective influence at the capitol is based on YOUR relationships with your legislators, both on Library Legislative Day and year ’round in each legislative district. The WVLS delegation is one of the largest attending each year. Thanks to your advocacy, WVLS legislators have become library champions.
A preliminary guide to WVLS Libraries and Legislators by County guide can be found here. You should register for your own Senator and Assembly Representative and may choose up to four additional legislators on the registration form from among those listed below for your county.
Not sure who your legislators are? Reference the list provided or go here. Check the Assembly and Senate boxes in the upper left corner and enter your voting address in the upper right corner search box. Residents of counties represented by more than one Senator or Assembly Representative should register for the legislators representing their voting address as a first priority but may also select additional legislators representing other parts of their county to join other appointments.
Here’s a quick guide:
Clark Co. – Please register for Senator Bernier, and Representative James or Kulp.
Marathon Co. and Taylor Co. – Please register for Senator Petrowski or Senator Bernier, and Representative Spiros, Kulp, Snyder or Edming.
Langlade and Lincoln Co. – Please register for Senator Tiffany and Representative Felzkowski.
Forest and Oneida Co. – Please register for Senator Tiffany, and Representative Swearingen or Mursau. The Southwest corner of Oneida Co. is also part of Rep. Felzkowski’s district. Forest Co. is split between Rep. Swearingen and Mursau.
LEGISLATIVE DAY AGENDA (Subject to change)
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM (Registration & Continental Breakfast)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (Briefing Session)
11:00 AM – Noon (Morning Appointments*) Two half-hour slots.
12:00 AM – 1:30 PM (Lunch-on-your-own)
1:30 AM – 3:30 PM (Afternoon Appointments*) Four half-hour slots.
As always, the appointments will be scheduled for attendees by the Legislative Day Committee.
Please contact me to let me know you have registered – so that transportation and WVLS briefing materials and maps can be coordinated.
-Kris Adams Wendt,, 715-282-3558.