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Back to School with BadgerLink: Resources for Educators

Back to School with BadgerLink: Resources for Educators

Neuman, Elizabeth. Back to School with BadgerLink. Wisconsin Libraries for Everyone blog. Thursday, August 31, 2017. It’s September and the BadgerLink team wishes to send a big “welcome back and good luck!” to all educators and librarians as you start the new school...

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Support for the Clovis-Carver Public Library, New Mexico

Support for the Clovis-Carver Public Library, New Mexico

We offer our deepest condolences to the Clovis-Carver Public Library, the city of Clovis, and the state of New Mexico as the community begins to heal. Public libraries accept and support community members and visitors without question and provide a space for...

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Autism Welcome Here: Grant Opportunity

Autism Welcome Here: Grant Opportunity

Thank you to ALA Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) blogger Renee Grassi for the information that appears below.  Don’t forget that Renee Grassi will be presenting a free Minitex webinar on “Developing Inclusive Library Services to Teens with...

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WVLS Director’s Retreat: Save the date for October 5th!

WVLS Director’s Retreat: Save the date for October 5th!

Discussion sessions, table activities, camaraderie, and high-powered speakers! The WVLS Director’s Retreat is a bi-annual event that gathers all WVLS and neighboring directors in the same place for a day of learning, sharing, and inspiration. This event is open to...

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Recycling Solar Glasses After the Eclipse

Recycling Solar Glasses After the Eclipse

Plenty of people are rocking eyewear today (August 21, 2017) with funky rectangular paper frames. In peak demand for the Aug. 21 solar eclipse in North America, these specs are all about protecting the peepers. As you probably know, it’s not safe to look at the sun...

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When Adults Don’t Read, Kids Lose.

When Adults Don’t Read, Kids Lose.

LaGarde is the Lead School Library Media Coordinator/Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist for New Hanover County Schools in Wilmington, NC.  In her alternative life as a super blogger she “proves you don’t have to be a superhero to be a teacher librarian, but...

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Opioid Crisis Town Hall: Library Needs and Responses Webinar

Opioid Crisis Town Hall: Library Needs and Responses Webinar

WebJunction and PLA invites libraries and their community partners to join this virtual town hall discussion about current library needs and possible responses to the nation's opioid crisis. Register for the webinar: September 12th at 10am Central Time Over two...

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Eclipse Madness : Zombies Might be Easier

Eclipse Madness : Zombies Might be Easier

Read the original post: "Eclipse Madness : Zombies Might be Easier." Alexa Newma. ALSC blog post August 16, 2017 In case you are one of the 18 people who  haven’t yet heard the news: there’s going to be a total solar eclipse on August 21st, that will cross the United...

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Netflix: Grant of Permission for Educational Screenings

Netflix: Grant of Permission for Educational Screenings

Originally posted in the WI Public Library & Programs Google Community by Andy Barnett on August 15, 2017 and confirmed via Netflix "Grant of Permission for Educational Screenings" statement. Netflix is making some of their films available for community showings....

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North Korea: A Reading List

North Korea: A Reading List

  The three-generation Kim Dynasty has made North Korea one of the most reviled—and ridiculed—nations in the world. Memes depicting Kim Jong-un laughing about the fact that he’s “no longer the craziest leader” keep popping up on social feeds, even while reports...

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ALA Conference At-a-Glance: WVLS Scholarship Winners Report

ALA Conference At-a-Glance: WVLS Scholarship Winners Report

ALA Conference At-a-Glance: WVLS Scholarship Winners Report Webinar, Sep 19 @1-2pm Denise and Debbie of the Rhinelander District Library will recap riveting sessions and report on invaluable resources they found at the ALA National Conference in Chicago. Courtesy of...

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Millenials are the ones keeping libraries alive

Millenials are the ones keeping libraries alive

Long live the public library! It’s not dead yet. The internet hasn’t rendered physical reference centers obsolete, thanks to millennials. According to a new analysis of Pew Research Center data on US library attendance, millennials more than other generations appear...

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PBS Launching the Great American Read in 2018

PBS Launching the Great American Read in 2018

PBS will launch the Great American Read, an eight-part television series and nationwide campaign that "explores the joy of books and the power of reading, told through the prism of America's 100 best-loved books, chosen by the public." The initiative is designed to...

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