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Explore Wisconsin First Nations!

Explore Wisconsin First Nations!

Searching for American Indian Studies resources in your youth services department or classroom? Take a look at Wisconsin First Nations. This website provides authentic and accurate PK-12 resources that enhance young readers’ understanding of Wisconsin Native cultures...

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The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Grants: STEM

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Grants: STEM

Looking for a way to inspire the youth in your afterschool program? Want to start a project but don’t have the necessary funds to start? The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation offers grants of different amounts for projects big and small! Through a fairly simple...

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Wisconsin State Law Library: A to Z topics list

Wisconsin State Law Library: A to Z topics list

The Wisconsin State Law Library legal topic pages are open to anyone even without a WSLL library card! You can browse topics here or search them using the search box on the WSLL website: Each topic includes links to...

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2017 WVLS Director’s Retreat a Success!

2017 WVLS Director’s Retreat a Success!

Directors from across central Wisconsin and WVLS gathered to have a little fun and learn a lot! Directors swarmed the Tribute Golf Course and Bunkers Bar & Grill in Wausau on Thursday, October 5, 2017.  Table topics included: Taking Care of Yourself, Taking Care...

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How bad is the Opioid epidemic in my county?

How bad is the Opioid epidemic in my county?

Read the original SCLS Tech Bits post from October 30, 2017, "How bad is the Opioid epidemic in my county?" The Opioid crisis has been declared a public health emergency. As a parent, I wanted to find data on how serious the Opioid epidemic is in Green County where we...

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Why All Libraries Should be Using Facebook Events… and how.

Why All Libraries Should be Using Facebook Events… and how.

Libraries can and should create events for programs with striking images and a great description as events can be shared through collaborators, Facebook groups, and Facebook users near the library will see the event in their feed. What's not to love about that?!...

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Tackling Fake News: American Libraries Live Webinar

Tackling Fake News: American Libraries Live Webinar

Tune in to this free 60-minute webcast at 1 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, November 1. Don't miss out! Register today. Everyone is talking about fake news. People are more aware than ever that when they see a “news” story, they need to dig a lot deeper than the headline...

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OCLC 2016-2017 Annual Report: Continual Reinvention

OCLC 2016-2017 Annual Report: Continual Reinvention

50 years of successfully navigating change View the full report and infographic. We invite you to view the 2016–2017 OCLC Annual Report. This past year, we celebrated our cooperative's golden anniversary and looked at ways to reinvent library collaboration. We...

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Reporting Censorship. If you see something…

Reporting Censorship. If you see something…

Read the full post "Reporting Censorship. If you see something..." by Betsy Boyce Brainerd, ALSC, October 21, 2017. Please also see resources from the Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) on Intellectual Freedom.  …Don’t hesitate to speak up! The ALA Office of...

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Pulse Pounding Mysteries for Fall: Booklist Webinar TOMORROW!

Pulse Pounding Mysteries for Fall: Booklist Webinar TOMORROW!

Pulse Pounding Mysteries for Fall Webinar, Tuesday, October 24, 2017 @1pm Register here! Leaves are turning yellow, orange, and . . . blood red. Heat up your autumn with the most exciting new and forthcoming crime fiction from sponsors Books on Tape/Listening Library,...

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Canva for Nonprofits: Premium Version Free!

Canva for Nonprofits: Premium Version Free!

Empower your team to create high-impact social media graphics and marketing materials. Canva offers its premium version free to registered nonprofits. Apply for the Canva premium version using your nonprofit information. Not a non-profit? Try contacting Canva directly...

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Webinar: Get Ready for Money Smart Week 2018!

Webinar: Get Ready for Money Smart Week 2018!

Register now for the free webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 1, to help you Get Ready for Money Smart Week 2018! Through Money Smart Week (April 21 - 28, 2018) you can join hundreds of other libraries across the country helping individuals to better manage their personal...

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From A to Zion: WVLS Conference Scholarship Webinar

From A to Zion: WVLS Conference Scholarship Webinar

Join the 2017 WVLS ARSL Conference scholarship winners who will outline awesome sessions and key resources from their 2017 Association for Rural and Small Libraries National Conference experience in Utah. 2017 Scholarship winners include: Julie Beloungy, Cara Hart,...

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Resource Sharing with WISCAT: Licensing Period Begins Soon!

Resource Sharing with WISCAT: Licensing Period Begins Soon!

The annual WISCAT licensing period begins soon, which means it’s a great time to share information on WISCAT and how it benefits Wisconsin’s schools and libraries. WISCAT is Wisconsin's resource sharing platform. With a WISCAT license, subscribers have access to all...

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